The Freemason's Chronicle 13th April 1895

FM Chronicle
Reports of Meetings - Temperance in the East No.898

A REGULAR meeting was held at the Assembly Rooms, Poplar, on Wednesday, 27th ult., Bro. E. F. Williams W.M.

Mr. Hans Wedge was initiated, says the "East London Observer" and in the required degrees Bro. G.E. Jones and W. Armstrong were passed, and Bro. Kleiss, J.T. Bigg, and G.E. Bigg raised.

During the whole of the ceremonies the beautiful ritual was enhanced by the musical accompaniments, vocal and instrumental, which form such a distinctive feature in the Lodge.

Bro. Williams, now restored to health, worked the various degrees with earnestness and precision.

The Lodge being closed, and the Brethren having partaken of refreshment, the Loyal toasts and those of the Grand Officers were received in the usual manner.

Bro. Bigg I.P.M. said the W.M. was the right man in the right place. They had worked together and had climbed the ladder together. As his Installing Officer, he felt a fatherly interest in the W.M.
(Reproduced from The Freemasons Chronicle 13th April 1895, page 160)

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