TitE898 Installation Meeting 1901

This important lodge, which numbers no less than 250 members, and meets at the Assembly Rooms, Poplar, held its installation meeting at the Holborn Restaurant, by special dispensation, on May 29th.

The W.M. elect, Bro. Philip P. Shapland, was installed into the chair in a dignified and perfect manner by the outgoing Master, Bro. Oley. The Worshipful Master appointed and invested his officers as follows:- Bros, S. H. Baker, S.W.; Thos. Byford, J.W.; W. Bigg, PM, Treasurer; and A. G. Duck, Secretary.

Immediately after being installed, the Worshipful Master initiated a friend, Mr. David Warry. The ceremony was ably performed and was of particular interest to many of the visitors who had not previously witnessed the Old Stability mode of working. The audit report disclosed a very satisfactory state of the lodge finances, there being no less than £250 cash balance. An address engrossed on vellum was voted to the Installing Master, Bro, Olley, which we learn is the custom, and a very commendable one, we think, in this lodge, when, as in the present instance, such a recognition of good work was so well deserved.
Bro. A G Duck, Secretary

After the lodge was closed, the brethren to the number of 101, adjourned to a banquet, presided over by the W.M. 

The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured, and the W.M. was particularly happy in his reference to the energetic Bro. A. G. Duck, P.M., member of the Board of General Purposes, whose photo we reproduce, and who had kindly accepted the office of Secretary, by no means a sinecure in a lodge of such magnitude.

(Reproduced from The Masonic Illustrated, 1st July 1901)


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