The Freemason's Chronicle 13th June 1896

FM Chronicle
Reports of Meetings - Temperance in the East No.898

The installation meeting took place on Wednesday, 27th ult., at the Assembly Rooms, Newby Place, Poplar. There being a considerable amount of business on the agenda the Lodge was opened at an early hour, when a large number of Brethren were present. Messrs. T.H. Clarke, G.W. Marsh and H.R. Smith were initiated, after which the ceremony of installation commenced, preceded by the usual formalities. Bro. T.S. Craze W.M., assisted by a Board of Installed Masters, inducted Bro. T. Ringrose P.M. 2184 into the chair of K. S., and he also delivered the addresses and concluded the ceremony, which was performed in a manner which gave the greatest satisfaction to all present, and adds another distinguished Brother to the long line of Past Masters who have followed out the traditions of the Temperance in the East Lodge in installing their immediate successors, says the " East London Observer".

In the business which followed, the members, with their characteristic generosity, voted several considerable sums to distressed Brethren, and the Lodge being closed, the Brethren adjourned to the London Tavern, Fenchurch Street, where, they partook of an excellent banquet. Bro. Craze, in a few well-chosen sentences, proposed the health of the W.M., who, in reply, thanked the Brethren for electing him to his present position, assuring them he would do his best to maintain the honour and reputation of the Lodge, and would do all that might conduce to its welfare. He would endeavour to follow the example of his worthy predecessors, and if he did as well as they, he would feel satisfied.

The W.M. having proposed the I.P.M. and Installing Master, Bro. Craze expressed his thanks, and hoped he had merited the Past Master's jewel and address on vellum they had presented him. He owed his knowledge of Freemasonry to the Past Masters he saw around him. Replying for the Past Masters, Bro. Graveley made a touching reference to one of their number who had joined the Grand Lodge above, viz ., Bro. H.F. Rogers, the oldest P.M. of the Lodge. He was now the oldest P.M. himself, and would support the Lodge as long as he lived.

Bros. Pulsford and E. Siddars added a few words, and Bro. Byford, who also spoke as Treasurer, referred to the large balance standing to their credit, the largest they had ever had, and that in spite of large outgoings for charitable purposes. Bro. Armstrong, in referring to the liheral votes for poor members of their own Lodge, said it gave him much satisfaction to see the application of a principle he always had at heart, - and that was a nucleus fund to afford help to fallen Brothers of their own Lodge.

The three Brothers initiated responded briefly to their toast, and for the visitors Bro. Jolly spoke eloquently, as is his wont, and Bro. Gordon with his accustomed bonhomie.

For the, Officers, Bro. Duck, genial, but business-like, spoke of the arduous work of the Secretary, and thanked them for electing two Assistant Secretaries, both of whom would find quite enough work in so large a Lodge. He was pleased that his efforts had been appreciated. Bros., Legg, Bussey, Burdett, Shapland, Graveley P.M., and Mason also acknowledged the toast.

(Reproduced from The Freemasons Chronicle 13th June 1896, page 285)
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